Incident Management.

Confident Incident Management: Streamline Responses and Protect Your Business with Our Comprehensive SIEM Feature.


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Think of it like having a digital crisis manager. Our platform helps you respond effectively to various incidents, ensuring your business stays secure.

Our platform covers a wide range of incidents, from general cybersecurity threats to more specific ones like phishing, GDPR violations, data protection incidents, DPA SARs, PCI-DSS, and ISO27001 issues.

It provides a structured way to handle incidents, making sure they're addressed promptly. By having a clear plan in place, you can minimise the impact of cyber threats.

Absolutely. Our platform includes a risk register, allowing you to track potential vulnerabilities and manage them alongside active incidents, providing a comprehensive approach to security.

Not at all. Our platform is designed for users without cybersecurity knowledge. It guides you step-by-step through incident handling, ensuring you're equipped to respond confidently.